After harvesting

Field spraying with Biomas ORGANIC after harvesting until sowing. Dose 0,1 l/ha.

After harvesting
The beginning of vegetation
Biomas GROW + Biomas PROTECT

Spraying crops as early as possible after germination (2-3 true leaves). Dose 0,1 l/ha.

Seed treatment is possible. The dose for cereals is 0.4-0.6 l / t

BBCH 11-22
Regeneration of vegetation in spring
Biomas GROW

Spraying crops after regeneration of vegetation. As soon as it is possible to enter the fields. Dose 0,1 l/ha.

BBCH 22-29
After harvesting
BBCH 11-22
BBCH 22-29

Decomposition of plant residues

after harvesting

During the growing season (vegetation), plants accumulate nutrients (micro and macro elements) in straw, which must be returned to the soil after harvesting. The efficient decomposition of plant residues is complicated by the sudden appearance of a large amount of plant biomass and periodic disturbances of biodiversity, i.e. fertilisation, tillage, poor crop rotation, use of plant protection products, etc. In nature, lignin and cellulose are most efficiently broken down by microscopic fungi. In order to make good use of plant residues, it is necessary to ensure that sufficient quantity of decomposers is available after harvesting.


The microscopic fungi Trichoderma reesei BVO5 and Trichoderma asperellum BVO6 present in the Biomas ORGANIC product secrete large amounts of cellulose and lignin-degrading enzymes, thus ensuring efficient decomposition of plant residues. During such a decomposition process, leaching of essential nutrients is reduced and an increase of the organic carbon and humus content is ensured. Trichoderma longibrachiatum BVO7 has a specific effect against pathogenic microorganisms on plant residues, thus ensuring a lower population of pathogenic microorganisms in future crops.


Possible uses of the product:

A // Harvesting → Biomas Organic spraying → tillage (e.g. soil cultivation) → sowing

B // Harvesting → tillage (e.g. soil cultivation) → Biomas Organic spraying (in combination with herbicide) → sowing

C // Harvesting → Biomas Organic spraying (possible mixture with herbicide) → sowing


The beginning of vegetation

Nutrients in the grain are used during seed germination. For the subsequent growth and development of the plant, nutrients in the soil or in fertilisers are needed. Plants cannot absorb atmospheric nitrogen directly, but nitrogen-fixing micro-organisms can absorb it. Another important element is phosphorus. Specific microorganisms that dissolve phosphates blocked by aluminium, iron or calcium contribute significantly to the cycling and availability of phosphorus. Potassium is equally important. This element is involved in the control of water and nutrients from the aerial part of the plant and the roots. Potassium is very important in enhancing winter hardiness, as it promotes the distribution of sugars in the plant. Microorganisms also release plant-available potassium. Phosphorus and potassium deficiencies at the beginning of the growth and development of winter plants strongly affects the plants, and the damage caused can no longer be repaired later, even with heavy fertilisation. A strong and abundant root system of the plant must be formed in the autumn to provide the plant with nutrients and to prepare it for the winter, otherwise crops will be sparse, unproductive and have low potential.


The bacteria Bacillus megaterium BVO1 and Bacillus subtilis BVO2 contained in Biomas GROW fix atmospheric nitrogen while acting in the root zone and simultaneously release phosphorus and potassium from insoluble compounds in the soil. Due to the synergy with the plant, the bacteria additionally stimulate its growth and release various easily absorbed hormones and acids.


Another important aspect at the beginning of plant growth is the presence of pathogenic microorganisms in the soil. Agricultural crops are at constant risk due to the long-term cultivation of large areas of monocultures. It is important to understand and be aware of the consequences of early-onset diseases. Diseases include both a decrease in short-term plant productivity and quality (growing years) and future losses (pathogenic microorganisms remaining in the field). Most diseases are spread not only through contaminated seed, plant residues, uncontrolled weeds, air, but also through the soil.


The microorganisms Bacillus amyloliquefaciens BVO3, Paenibacillus polymyxa BVO4 and Bacillus velezensis BVO9 contained in Biomas PROTECT stimulate the natural immunity of plants and create a protective barrier in the root zone that suppresses soil-borne fungal pathogens. The increased concentration of good bacteria reduces the number of harmful microorganisms, resulting in healthier plants.


Bacteria live and multiply in the soil, so spraying should be done in autumn when plants have 2-3 true leaves. Spraying Biomas GROW and Biomas PROTECT during routine maintenance will help the crops to be better prepared for the winter.


Possible uses of the product:

A// Seed preparation: 0.1 l/ha Biomas GROW and 0.1 l/ha Biomas PROTECT per hectare with seed. If the sowing rate is 250 kg/ha, it will require 0.4 ml/t of seed;

B// Spraying after germination: 0.1 l/ha Biomas GROW and 0.1 l/ha Biomas PROTECT products. They can be mixed with each other, with liquid fertilizers or plant protection products.


Regeneration of vegetation


During the winter period, vegetative processes in the plants do not occur and the activity of microorganisms also ceases. In spring, when the soil temperature reaches +4 °C, microorganism activity resumes. Biomas GROW must be used to ensure the presence of targeted microorganisms in the root zone of the plant that will help the plant to perform the required functions when vegetation resumes. Bacterial spores contained in the product when enter the soil will multiply rapidly, establish themselves in the root zone and ensure the availability of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium throughout the entire vegetation period. By providing plants with available phosphorus and potassium, the root system will regenerate and develop more quickly, the suction capacity will increase and the plant will be less sensitive to drought.

Possible uses of the product:

Biomass GROW should be sprayed in spring with the first spray (BBCH 22-29) after vegetation has resumed. It can be mixed with liquid fertiliser or plant protection products.
